DIN Holders (Director) Compliance -DIR-3 KYC/DIR-3 KYC-WEB

DIN Holders (Director) Compliance -DIR-3 KYC/DIR-3 KYC-WEB


Jul 29


Posted by: CS Shilpi Thapar

Ministry of Corporate Affairs(MCA) issued TWO notifications dated 25.07.2019 notifying 1. Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2019  and 2. Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Third Amendment Rules, 2019. These amended rules came into effect from 25.07.2019.

These rules provide guidelines  for the purpose of filing form DIR-3 KYC/DIR-3 KYC-WEB in sync with MCA Circular No. 07/2019 issued on 27.06.2019 which specifies that incase of any updation in any other personal details , Individual shall file e- Form DIR-6 with MCA for updation of the said details before completing  KYC through the web based service.

1.Every Individual holding Director Identification No(DIN) who has already filed DIR-3 KYC in previous financial year and there is no updation required of any other personal details as mentioned below in point no.2 , will only be required to complete his/her KYC through a simple web-based verification service available on MCA Portal(mca.gov.in) with pre-filled data based on the records in the registry, for ease of verification by the person concerned.

In case of web-based verification, OTP will be sent to the Mobile Number and Email Id of Individual holding DIN, provided at the time of filing DIR-3 KYC. This web-based verification will be considered as compliance of the said rules.

2.  E- form DIR-3 KYC is to be filed by an individual who holds DIN and is filing his KYC  details for the first time(in case DIN is obtained in the F.Y.2018-19) or by the DIN holder who has already filed his  KYC once in eform DIR-3 KYC but wants to update below mentioned personal details which were there in the records of Ministry of Corporate Affairs as per the last DIR-3 KYC filed:

1.Director ldentification Number(DlN)

2. Director’s name

3.Father’s Name

4.Whether a citizen of India


6.Whether resident in lndia

7.Date of birth

8.lncome tax PAN

9.Aadhaar number

10.Voter’s identity card

11.Passport number

12.Driving license number

13.Personal Mobile Number

14.Personal Email lD

15.Permanent Residential Address

16.Present Residential Address

3.E-form DIR-3 KYC or DIR -2 KYC-Web as the case may be is required to be submitted to Central Government by 30th September of immediate next financial year.


1)To summarize the above, if all details of DIN holders are same as per the last Form DIR-3 KYC filed on the portal of MCA, then web-based KYC verification is required to be done for that individual DIN holder by 30th September 2019.

2)In all other cases, e-form DIR-3 KYC is required to be filed by the DIN holder by 30th September 2019.

 Filing Fees for  E- Form DIR-3 KYC/WEB BASED VERIFICATION :

Sr. no. Particular Fees
1. Fee payable till 30th September 2019. No fees Payable
2. In case of Delay beyond 30th September 2019 Rs. 5000

    The copies of above referred MCA Circulars can be downloaded from www.mca.gov.in                                                                                                 *****************

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